Who knew that we'd want a life less ordinary?

Only 9.5 years ago, I was blogging about the beauty of a "normal day", knowing that our lives were about to be turned upside down with the arrival of kiddos #2 and #3. We were knee deep in all things baby (and toddler), and the idea that we'd be planning a 3-year expat adventure just a decade later would have sounded too fantastical to believe!

And yet...here we are. We're getting ready to move to The Netherlands for 2 years, followed by a year in Singapore. We know what an incredible opportunity this is, and we also know how much we're asking of our families to help make it happen. Our kids will move 3 times in 3 years, we'll spend time away from the neighbourhood we know and love, rent out our beloved house, and generally uproot everything that we know to be "home".  And we're doing it because we have an insatiable wanderlust itch that needs to be scratched.

Our kids will tell you that "if Mom ever won the lottery, we'd be packing up and travelling around the world" for a year. My husband (a willing participant) indulges my love of travel and adventure shows, and humours my "retirement bucket travel list" which I add to regularly.

And so, when presented with THIS opportunity, we just couldn't say no. We knew how much work would be involved, and yet we both know that we were all in.

But, there's more. Last year I found out that I was part of a unique tribe of people who are donor conceived. And through this process, found an entire "bonus family" to know and love, including a sister in The Netherlands.  If you know me, you know what a life changing experience this has been! I just couldn't pass up the chance to live in the same city and country as my sister and her family.  There's just too much time to make up for.

I've described this process as a "hurry up and wait" kind of adventure. Do all the things...and then wait. So, we're waiting.  No set travel date yet, but a solid 4-6 week guesstimate.  In the meatime...

-We're getting our house ready to rent
-I'm handing over my business to a dear friend and colleague
-I'm learning the ins and out of telehealth and how I may continue to work part-time from abroad.
-We're sorting, purging and selling. What isn't sold is donated locally.
-But, we're still waiting....

...so while we wait for our visas...we research, plan, bookmark. We wonder about Dutch food, culture, transportation, education, museums, etc.  We wonder, and we wanderlust...

Stay tuned!



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