Letting go.

Today is my last official "working" day at the office I've been in for 11 years, in the clinic I founded in 2008. When we opened, it was part of a long-term plan. We built, they came, and I've been fortunate to have a very lovely and successful practice here, working alongside some of the best people I know. But I never expected to leave, so I wasn't prepared to "let go" in short order. Even though I know that I'm leaving this baby of mine in the best possible hands, it's still hard to wrap my head around it all. But this is really just one of many things that we're having to let go of. The kids are letting go of teams, friendships, toys. They've sorted through the books and toys from their early childhood, and we've all had to ask ourselves "do we really need/want this?" many, many times.Much of the letting go has been good. Being faced with the question of having to either store or take an item around the world really...